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Folder 18: ODU Bus Tour of High Schools

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In Folder: Box 074

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Professor Griffith McRee of the ODU College of Engineering and Technology speaks with a prospective student during the annual admissions tour.


The view of the highway from the front of the bus during the 1992 "We're Going Places" college admissions tour.


The "We're Going Places, Again" college admissions tour participants disembark from the bus after reaching one of the designated stops.


Carrie Harmon sports a Big Blue paw print sticker passed out by Ronald E. Johnson, Associate Professor of Oceanography, who spoke to a physical science class at Broadwater Academy about tsunamis. Pictured with Harmon is classmate, Robert Marsh.

circa 1990-1999

President James V. Koch, founder of the Old Dominion bus tour, hands out a candy bar as reward for a correct answer to a question posed during his popular "Life After High School" speech. The students are from Robert E. Lee High School in Northern Virginia.


Dr. Charles Wilson, ODU Professor of English, speaks with prospective students at an admissions fair.


ODU representatives at the college admissions fair in Richmond. Featured in the photo are Dana Burnett (seated left) and Jim Jarrett (seated right).


Who better to greet prospective students at a bus tour reception in Northern Virginia than Old Dominion's own goodwill ambassador, Manny Amaro, Director of Housing Operations.

circa 1990-1999

President Koch talks to "two-plus-two" engineering students at Virginia Western Community College in Roanoke during the recent ODU bus tour. Looking on is instructor Max Pickel.


President James V. Koch delivers his popular "Life After High School" talk at Arcadia High School.


Lindsay Rettie, Dean of the College of Health Sciences, demonstrates the proper technique for holding a kazoo, a traditional college admissions bus tour diversion.

circa 1990-1999

Nancy Klein, Associate Professor of Music, does her best to get comfortable as she curls up for nap on the ride home from the "We're Going Places" tour.

circa 1990-1999

Thomas H. Dunham (right), Assistant Dean in the College of Sciences, elicits smiles all around at the admissions reception in Roanoke during the Old Dominion bus tour of Virginia. Pictured from left are Sherry Murphy and Teresa Delph, Assistant Director and Director, respectively, of the TELETECHNET site at New River Community College in Dublin, and Robert F. Curry, TELETECHNET Coordinator for Corporate Sites.


At Kempsville High School in Virginia Beach, a pair of hands awaits the arrival of a Hershey's candy bar thrown by President Koch as a reward for a correct answer to a question from his "Life After high School" lecture.


President James V. Koch and engineering students at Western Community College in Roanoke share a laugh during a leg of ODU's annual admissions bus tour.


President James V. Koch speaks with a prospective student at Thomas Jefferson High School.

circa 1990-1999

President Koch uses a visual aid to demonstrate the incomes of college graduates vs. non-college grads during his presentation at Thomas Edison High School in Alexandria.


Ralph Stevens, Associate Professor of Biology, plays a card game during a break on the "We're Going Places" college admissions tour.

circa 1990-1999

The back-of-the bus crew mugs for the camera on the road to Northern Virginia. Pictured are (l-r): President Koch; Cecelia T. Tucker, Assistant to the President for Community relations; Lorraine P. Connaughton, Director of Advising Services and Instructor of Management Information Systems/Decision Sciences; Ralph W. Stevens, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences; Ronald E. Johnson, Associate Professor of Oceanography; and G. Richard Whittecar, Associate Professor of Geological Sciences.

circa 1990-1999

Ronald E. Johnson, Associate Professor of Oceanography, speaks to a group of students at Thomas Edison High School in Springfield during the ODU bus tour.


Angela Nixon Boyd (left). Acting Director of the Office of Admissions, accepts an application for admission from Lourda Hidalgo, a student at Monacan High School in Chesterfield. Hidalgo and her mother, Yolanda, attended the admissions reception in Richmond.


The "We're Going Places" admissions tour participants board a chartered bus.

circa 1990-1999

The "We're Going Places" 1991 college admissions tour group pose for a picture prior to boarding the chartered bus.


Bus tour participants start to assemble in the Foreman Field parking before heading off on the first leg of the third annual "We're Going Places" expedition across the state.


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