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Folder 16: Investment in Potential

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In Folder: Box 064

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An instructor from the Investment in Potential teaches children from the Lamberts Point neighborhood in how to use computers. The goal of the program is to motivate the children with an interest in math, science, or engineering.

circa 1980-1989

An instructor from the Investment in Potential teaches children from the Lamberts Point neighborhood in how to use computers. The goal of the program is to motivate the children with an interest in math, science, or engineering.

circa 1980-1989

An instructor from the Investment in Potential teaches children from the Lamberts Point neighborhood in how to use computers. The goal of the program is to motivate the children with an interest in math, science, or engineering.

circa 1980-1989

An instructor from the Investment in Potential teaches children from the Lamberts Point neighborhood in how to use computers. The goal of the program is to motivate the children with an interest in math, science, or engineering.

circa 1980-1989

An instructor from the Investment in Potential teaches children from the Lamberts Point neighborhood in how to use computers. The goal of the program is to motivate the children with an interest in math, science, or engineering.

circa 1980-1989

Two girls who are taking part in the Investment in Potential program learn how to program a computer

circa 1980-1989

Three youths who are taking part in the Investment in Potential program learn how to program a computer

circa 1980-1989

Children taking part in the Investment in Potential program take a lunch break.

circa 1980-1989

Kim Sands (left) a senior civil engineering major from Chesapeake, observes as Lauree Chapman conducts a "World in Motion" class in the Education Building, one of several programs the university is offering Lambert's Point youngsters this summer. Chapman is a teacher at Hodges Manor Elementary School in Portsmouth and Sands is serving as a student aide for the five-week course. "World in Motion" is designed to get elementary and junior high school students interested in science and engineering as well as related career choices. According to Nina W. Brown, associate professor of educational leadership and counseling and director of "World in Motion" the ultimate goal is to motivate them to attend college and pursue a major in engineering. Twenty-eight children are enrolled in the course. In addition to participating in classroom and computer-aide design laboratory experiences, the youngsters will tour various labs at the university and may go on field trips to NASA Langley Research Center and the Virginia Air and Space Museum.

circa 1980-1989

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