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Folder 09: Student Life: Studying

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Box 080

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Two students studying in "A Quiet Place" in front of Rollins Hall.

circa 1990-1999

Four students study in a hallway niche of a university building.

circa 1990-1999

A student is seen studying in front of Hughes Hall.

circa 1990-1999

Two students study in the Powhatan Apartments courtyard.

circa 1990-1999

Three students study and take notes in a residence hall study room, while another student reads.

circa 1990-1999

English student Charity Long is seen studying near the brick wall located across from Rollins and Spong Halls.

circa 1990-1999

Two students studying near the fountain area on Kaufman Mall.

circa 1990-1999

A student is seen studying near the University Library.

circa 1990-1999

Three students reading and studying on Kaufman Mall.

circa 1990-1999

A student takes time to wave to somebody while studying in the Webb Center lobby.

circa 1990-1999

Two students work on an assignment in the library, while others study.

circa 1990-1999

A student works on an assignment in the Webb Center Lobby.

circa 1990-1999

Two students working on an assignment.

circa 1990-1999

Two students work on an assignment in the library.

circa 1990-1999

A student working on a assignment near the Webb Center food court.

circa 1990-1999

A student working on a assignment near the Webb Center food court.

circa 1990-1999

A student working on a assignment outdoors on Kaufman Mall.

circa 1990-1999

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