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Folder 11: Faculty: Group Photos

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Box 009

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Five men and one woman. On back of photo "3+3=6 (Good Professors). Members of the Engineering and Mathematics Department are well known by Math majors and would-be engineers. The professors are left to right, Edward T. Hodges, Edward L. White, Division Head, Margaret C. Phillips, Wallis Gearing, William M. Beck, Jr., and Lermond H. Miller."


Written on back of photo: "Always something new to learn! Mrs. Margaret H. Daugherty shows Herbert Sebren, William Seward, head of the English Department, and Reuben Cooper some special material that can be used in the English courses during a meeting held in Mr. Seward's office."


Business faculty for the Norfolk Division of the College of William and Mary: Myrtle E. Callahan; Vance Grover; Lois Gower Reed; Albert E. Taylor; Robert C. Burton; John Raymond Willsey."


Norfolk Division of the College of William and Mary Business Faculty: Albert E. Taylor; Vance Grover; Charlotte Perkins; Hart Slater.


On back of photo "Coaches Three. Taking the pause that refreshes after coaching basketball, swimming, baseball, hockey, track, etc., are J.C. "Scrap" Chandler, Division Head, Emily Pittman, and Arthur "Bud" Metheny. Coaching teams to represent the school is just one of their jobs as they also conduct all gym classes."


Group photo in front of the Technical Institute Building. On back of photo "Crew of the Good Ship Tech. Members of the Technical Institute faculty can seldom be seen together like this at one time because of their various duties. They are left to right: first row, Emory H. Rumble, Edgar A. Kovner, B.C. Dickerson, Lee M. Klinefelter, supervisor, Joe W. Cox, and Albert I. Godden and second row, Donald W. McGee, William Thornton, Charles S. Laird, Webster M. Thompson, A.W. Stallworth, and E.E. Pare."


Group photo of four men and two women.

circa 1950-1959

Group photo of six men and a woman sitting at a table.

circa 1950-1959

Group photo. On back of photo "Va. Bagley Speer, Sherwood, Mykrantz, Billmeyer, Moore, Baum" Pictured from left to right: (bottom row) Virgina Bagley Speer; Calder S. Sherwood, III; Ms. Mykrantz; (top row) Frank W. Billmeyer, Jr.; Mr. Moore; Parker B. Baum.

circa 1950-1959

Bottom row (L-R): Elizabeth M. Simcoe, Frank MacDonald, Robert L. Stern. Top row (L-R) Stanley Pliska, G. William Whitehurst, Andrew Gottschall, Harold J. Wright.

circa 1950-1959

Group photo of four men and two women sitting at a table.

circa 1950-1959

Four men standing beside a bookshelf.

circa 1950-1959

Group photo. On back of photo "Reece, Seward, Sebren, Lindemann, Benson"

circa 1950-1959

Pictured from left to right: (bottom row) Lemond H. Miller; William Beck, Jr.; Wallis Gearing; Margaret C. Phillips; (top row) Edward T. Hodges; Edward L. White.

circa 1950-1959

Two men standing outside on brick sidewalk.

circa 1950-1959

Group photo of five men and two women.

circa 1950-1959

Group photo of two men and two women.

circa 1950-1959

On back of photo: "Faculty Panel for Television Show. Front Row - Mr. Hawn, Mr. Godden, Mr. MacDonald; Back Row - Mr. Seward, Mr. Frank W. Billmeyer, Jr., Mr. Gottschall, Mr. Whitehurst (all reading left to right)."

circa 1950-1959

On back of photo: "Mr. T. J. Reed and family - left; Mr. Robert M. St. Clair and Family - right, faculty, Saturday 12-21-57, First Norfolk Christmas."


Retired Admiral Harold J. Wright, points out to colleagues G. William Whitehurst and Robert L. Stern, head of the Social Studies Department, that a point of interest that can be told to their classes as another part of their interesting lectures.


Four men and two women on a couch. On back of photo "Language is all around us. To prove their point, Herbert L. Sebren, Stanley E. Breneiser, Violet Breneiser, Cherry Nottingham, Gerald W. Akers, Division Head, and Dr. Charles E. Vogan represent music, Spanish, French, and German. Their duties extend beyond classroom activities as they sponsor chorus, clubs, and the band."


Pictured from left to right: Arthur "Bud" Metheny; Joseph C. "Scrap" Chandler, Division Head; and Emily V. Pittman.

circa 1950-1959

Physical Education faculty members from left to right: Arthur "Bud" Metheny, Emily V. Pittman, and Joseph C. "Scrap" Chandler outside the Administration Building.

circa 1950-1959

On back of photo: "Planning a Television Program" Left - Mr. Godden - Technical Institute Art Director for W&M Television Programs; Right - Mr. Hawn - Producer-Director for the College Television Programs."

circa 1950-1959

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