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Folder 23: Student Life: Dorm Living (I)

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Box 065

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Students watch some television in the sunken area of Mid-Rise Lobby.


Two students having a conversation in the lounge of Mid-Rise Hall.

circa 1980-1989

Mid-Rise Hall residents grilling hot dogs and hamburgers on the outdoor grills.

circa 1980-1989

Students sunbathe outside Mid-Rise Residence Hall.

circa 1980-1989

A mother and son carrying huge piles of linens and clothes on move-in day.


Two students lugging heavy boxes enter the Mid-Rise Residence Hall elevator.

circa 1980-1989

Parents and students enter Mid-Rise Dormitory on move-in day.

circa 1980-1989

Students moving into the dormitories with the help of their parents.

circa 1980-1989

A stuffed Opus the Penguin waiting for sunset to come in a Mid-Rise Residence Hall room.


A stuffed Opus the Penguin watches the sunset in a Mid-Rise Residence Hall room.

circa 1980-1989

A parent asks for directions on move-in day.

circa 1980-1989

A student plays chess in her dorm room.

circa 1980-1989

Two students sit and talk in the living room area in one of the units of the Powhatan Apartments.

circa 1980-1989

Two students share a bedroom in one of the units of the Powhatan Apartments.


Two students share a bedroom in one of the units of the Powhatan Apartments.


A student studies in her bedroom located in the Powhatan Apartments.


A student reads a magazine in her bedroom located in the Powhatan Apartments. In the background her roommate is fixing her hair in the bathroom.


Two students gathering items to move into Powhatan Apartments.


The front desk area of Rogers Hall.


Students are served food in the dining hall kitchen of Rogers or Gresham Hall.

circa 1980-1989

Students are served food in the dining hall kitchen of Rogers or Gresham Hall.

circa 1980-1989

Students are served food in the dining hall kitchen of Rogers or Gresham Hall.

circa 1980-1989

Students are served food in the dining hall kitchen of Rogers or Gresham Hall.

circa 1980-1989

Two students sharing a dorm room get to know one another.

circa 1980-1989

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