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Folder 12: Student Life: Dances: Miscellaneous

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In Folder: Box 011

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Two couples dancing during a student dance at the Norfolk Division of the College of William and Mary.

circa 1950-1959

The band plays during the Freshman Frolics Dance, 1955.


Taking a few minutes off between dances at the "Freshman Frolics" are from left to right: Jim Boyce, Mary Nolley, Frances Daniels, and James Etheridge.


In the Trophy Room at the Norfolk Division, Freshmen help mail out publicity regarding the Freshman "Get Acquainted" Dance. From left to right: Joe Vestal, Senior Chairman for the Freshman dance, Carolyn Pick, Joseph Ford, Lynda Cooper, and Margo Walencis.


Gwendolyn Carter, Queen of the Spring Coronation, with her escort Leigh Stewart, Jr., at a dance sponsored by the Inter-Fraternity Council and Student Senate.


Homecoming Dance at the Dome in Virginia Beach, 1959.


Homecoming King Don Wirt slips the magic slipper on the foot of Queen Linda Myers. Behind Myers are Elbert Bowden (right) and Margaret Davis (second from right).

circa 1950-1959

Pictured are the graduates of the first senior class of the Norfolk Division of the College of William and Mary and their escorts at the Junior-Senior Prom.


A scene from the Junior-Senior Prom held June 5, 1956 at the Hague Club in Norfolk.


Mr. and Mrs. Robert Milner (couple on the left) and Mr. and Mrs. William Frank Latham Jr. (couple on the right) were two of the 100 couples who attened the Junior-Senior Prom, spomsored by the Norfolk Division of the College of William and Mary. Latham, who received his under graduate degree in Business Administration, served as president of the college's first senior class. Robert Milner has been elected as president of the 1956-57 senior class.


A student dance, 1950s.

circa 1950-1959

Bob Pratt and Patricia "Pat" Vincent dance at a Christmas Party.


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