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Folder 04: Student Government, 1956-1959

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Box 011

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Portrait of Bill Spruill, Vice President of the student government legislative branch.


Portrait of Bob Padgett, Junior Class President, 1959-1960.


New presidents for the Sophomore, Junior, and Senior classes for the 1959-1960 academic year are from left to right: Richard Deaton (Senior Class), Bob Padgett (Junior Class), and Florence Pavlides (Sophomore Class).


Officers of the Freshman Class for 1957-1958 are from left, standing: George Orfanedes (President), and Jack Waff (Treasurer). From left, sitting: Babara Jones (Vice President), and Ann Wagner (Secreatry).


Oficers of the Freshman Class for 1958-1959 are left to right: Anne Wyatt (Secretary), Jim West (President), and Viginia Abbott (Vice President).


Freshman Student Council members are from left to right: Mary Curtis Hughes, Elizabeth Cherry, Paige Mauphin, Nadine Isaacs, Jay Tauts, Linda Vestal, and Judy Cox.

circa 1950-1959

Junior Class Officers for 1957-1958 are from left to right: Archie Burns, George Stewart, Ann Wilson, and Robert Lilly.


Carol Anderson, Dorothy "Dot" Roberts, Larry Lawless, and Mike Lawless help pack box lunches for the Student Senate to be given to incoming freshmen during orientation.


Florence Pavlides, Sophomore Class President, sells a copy of the Student Directory to student, Sandra Stark.


Officers of the senior class for the 1956-1957 year are from left to right: Robert Milner (President), James Hall (Vice President), Naomi Sallinger (Recording-secretar)y, Leo Borne (Treasurer), and Carter Sullivan (Secretary).


Pictured are Senior Class Officers for 1956-1957. From left to right, sitting: Richard Milner (President), Barbara Reid (replaced Naomi Sallinger as Recording-secretary), and James Hall (Vice President). Standing are Carter Sullivan (Secretary) and Leo Borne (Treasurer).


The Senior Class Officers for the 1956-1957 academic year were from left to right: Robert Milner (President), James Hall (Vice President), Barbara Reid (Secretary), and Leo Borne (Treasurer).


Student Senate members from left; Penny Johnston, Bob Boyd, Skip Harrell, and Linda Myers look over the Student Directory with Dr. Stanley Pliska, Student Senate faculty sponsor. The Student Senate published the Student Directory.


Elections for student government heads for 1959-1960 were held May 6 and may 22, 1959. Elected by vote of the student body to the top positions were from left to right: Vice President, Bill Spruill, who will lead the legislative branch of student government, Bill Foster, President, and 2nd Vice President, Hugh Ward, who will head the judicial branch.


Student Government Executive Branch members for 1958-1959. From left to right: Jim Dalonas, Don Wirt, Linda Myers, Charles "Chuck" Supan, Elwood Jackson, Jim West, Everett Edwards, and Bob Padgett.


Student Government Judicial Branch for 1958-1959. Front row, left to right: Chuck Sawyer, Ann Willis, Ann Wilson, Irene Pavlides, and Dennis McMurran. Back row, left to right: Bob Beale, Ben Splan, Frank Anderson, Woody Pusey, Bill Howell, Jim Calleran.


The 1956-1957 Student Senate are (from left to right, sitting): Phyllis Mehard, Don Nachman, Betty Burns, Ray Quirk, Skip Harrell, and Dr. Stanley Pliska, faculty sponsor. From left to right, standing: Beezie Wright, George Webb, Linda Myers, Jim Calleran, Bob Floyd, John Brickhouse, Penny Johnston, and Rudy Fitzpatrick.


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