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Folder 13: Commencement, 1958

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In Folder: Box 007

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Alvin Duke Chandler, President of the College of William and Mary, presents Patricia Norman with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Physical Education.


The following students received their Bachelor of Science degrees in Business Administration (from left to right): Hobson D. Turner, Jr., Ed Cunningham, Robert Moore, Joe Cloud, John Wynn, Jr., and Edwin Grover.


Paul H. Farrier, Exective Secretary of the State Council of Higher Education presents the commencement address on the steps of the Administration Building.


The folowing students recieved their degrees with honors (from left to right): Bill Ambrose, Connie Barnes, Sara Bishop, Patricia "Pat" Vincent, Ed Crowson, Benjamin Houck, and James Redding.


Commencement exercises for the graduating class of June, 1958 took place in front of the Administation Building. Leading the commencement procession are Billy Lilly and Tony Long.


A reception was held in the gymnasium following the 1958 commencement exercises. Jane Paxhia serves punch to (from left to right) Russell Davis, father of Suzanne Davis who received a B. S. degree; Parker Baum, Professor of Chemistry, and J. J. Brewbaker, Superintendent of the Norfolk Public Schools. The children are the children of Jane Paxhia and Eugene Paxhia, Professor of Music.


At the graduation reception, Mrs. Ed Hodges serves punch to Calder S. Sherwood, Chair of the Chemistry Department, and Thomas Bain III, first graduate in Biology at the Norfolk Division.


A reception was held in the gymnasium following the 1958 commencement ceremony at the Norfolk Division of the College of William and Mary.


At the 1958 graduation reception, Mrs. George Fee (faculty wife) serves punch to (from left to right); Carol MacCubbin who received an Associate of Arts diploma, Archie Burns who received a Bachelor of Business Administration, and Mrs. Archie Burns.


At the reception following commencement, Mrs. Edward T. Hodges, serves punch to Mrs. Douglas Angell, College Registrar, E. Vernon Peele, Assistant Director of the Norfolk Division of the College of William and Mary, and Spyros C. Papachristos, an alumnus of the Norfolk Division.


Edwin Grover shown with his mother, Mrs. Vance (Rosa) Grover, earned a Bachelor of Business Administration degree with honors.


The following students received their Bachelor of Science degrees in Elementary Education with honors (from left to right): Mary L. Ziv, Naomi Hellman, Edith Ray Berry, Ruth Griffith, Mary Nolley, Anne Johnson Shepherd, Elizabeth King Crowder, Evelyn Arledge, and Fay Deans.


Gail Rubin receives her Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Technology from Alvin Duke Chandler, President of the Colege of William and Mary.


Georgia Smith (center) shown with her son and daughter, received a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education at the 1958 Commencement.


John Wynn, Jr. (left) and Joe Walter Cloud (right) received Bachelor of Business Administration degrees during graduation exercises in June, 1958.


Lewis W. Webb, Jr., Director of the Norfolk Division of the College of William and Mary, speaks at the 1958 commencement ceremony.


Lewis W. Webb, Jr., Director of the Norfolk Division of the College of William and Mary presents a student with his diploma.


Lewis W. Webb,, Jr., Director of the Norfolk Division of the College of William and Mary, presents an Associate of Arts diploma to Carol MacCubbin.


Lois Farwell, Anna Carothers, and Carol MacCubbin received their Associate of Arts diplomas at the June, 1958 Commencement.


From left to right: Patricia Norman received a Bachelor of Science in Physical Education, Gail Rubin received a Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology, and Patricia Cantarella received a Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology.


Robert Moore received a Bachelor of Business Administration and also received the honor of having the highest scholastic average in the class of 1958.


Robert Moore (left) had the highest scholastic average of the graduating class of 1958 and Edwin Grover (right) received the Accounting Award.


The following students received their Bachelor of Science degrees in Secondary Education with honors (from left to right: Donald Miller, Betty Burns, Marjorie Tyson, Ann Jeffers, and Jerry Venn.


William Kenneth Kehoe receives his Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from Alvin Duke Chandler, President of the College of William and Mary.


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