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Folder 22: Greek/Social Organizations: Delta Omega Phi

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Box 009

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A group photo of men, women, and couples in formal attire. On back of photo: "Activities and Personalities. Delta fraternity's Christmas Dance."

circa 1950-1959

On back of photo: "Activities and Personalities. December 1, 1955. Below are three members of Delta Omega Phi, Norfolk Division fraternity, showing off their new jackets emblazoned with the letters of their fraternity... From left to right, Dickie Davis, Joe Cox, and Jim Cappelletti."


Three men standing looking at a paper and one man sleeping on the couch.

circa 1950-1959

On back of photo: "Activities and Personalities, 1956-57. In Delta Omega Phi's fraternity house - from left to right: Richard Nock, John Hightower, Martha Glynn, Charles Sears (at piano), Noel Kenyon, Carolyn Sappenfield, Jim Boyce (seated), Marsha Clark, George Webb and Tom Golden."


Two couples in formal attire. On back of photo: "The Whole Truth? Claire Baker and Jimmy Gatley declare their joy over the Delta-Gamma annual Christmas dance. Maybe the presence of Pat Helm and Bill Herring of Gamma and Delta respectively has some influence on it, but we would rather think that the students really enjoy these formal dances held by all the campus fraternities and sororities."


Group photo. On back of photo: "Delta Omega Phi. First row: Skipper Jones, Treasurer; Billy Casey, Reggie Watkins, President; Pete Carlson, Secretary. Second row: Howard "Buddy" Leatherwood, Bob Carson, Walter Forbes, Pete Burke, Tommy Gwyn. Third row: Tommy Downing, Willis Evans, John Gray, Tommy Wyszatycki. Fourth row: Jimmy Singletary, Ralph Muzzey, Mickey Ball, Andy Longton. Fifth row: Melvin Gottleib, Riley Johnson, Bob Porter, Richard Dixon, John Hightower, Mike Caprio. Absent from picture are Jack Beale, Bill Andrews, Jimmy Dingman, James Barbee, Bob Humphrey, Ronny Kledzik, Bill Herring."


Four men standing in front of a Delta Omega Phi banner.


On back of photo: "Delta, 1st row - (sitting) George Orfanacles(?), Perry Ellis, Ben Griffin, Benny Merr, Dick Langston, Jerry Hogge; 2nd row - Frank Powell, Leo Anthony, Don Sanders, Tom Griggs, Walt Sahparding (?), Bob Stanley, Martin Trusty; Not Pictured - Newton Gresham, Bob Smith, Horace Williams, Bob Hill."

circa 1950-1959

Four men sitting at a table playing cards. On back of photo: "Don Thanes(?), Ted Land, Wayne Woodleif

circa 1950-1959

On back of photo: "Activities and Personalities, June 1956. Below - Richard E. Davis has been re-elected president of Delta Omega Phi Fraternity at the College of William and Mary in Norfolk. Davis is a major in electronics and television at the Technical Institute of the college. This was the first time in the history of this social club that a member has been elected to serve two continuous years."


On back of photo: "Activities and Personalities, 1956-57. Delta Omega Phi pledges - from left to right, front row: Jack Kerr, Bob Bullfant, Charles Bartlett, Jerry Sandler, Ray Clyburn, Bobby Trump. Second row: Richard Murry, Jim Fant, Bob White, Curtis Bass, Pell Phillips."


On back of photo: "Activities and Personalities, Fall 1959. The Playmate Dance was given by Delta Omega Phi Fraternity. From left to right are the candidates for Delta's "Playmate" and the faculty sponsor for the event. Judy Kane, Carol Culpeper, Professor G.W. Whitehurst - Delta Sponsor, Mary Hughes, and Peggy Revell."


On back of photo: "Activities and Personalities, 1956-57. Delta's fraternity house - from left to right - Noel Kenyon, Jim Boyce, Marsha Clarke and Dot Taylor."


Delta Omega Phi members looking at the High Hat.

circa 1950-1959

A group photo of Delta Omega Phi members from 1953-54.


A group of eight Delta pledges.

circa 1950-1959

Three men standing with signs about an event called "Deltanik" on Saturday, November 16 (year not given). On back of photo: "Left to right: J. Wylie French, James Boyce, Edgar Edwards"

circa 1950-1959

On back of photo: "Thanks, Buddy! Helping to put up flags to advertise their annual Shipwreck dance are two loyal Delta frat brothers, Howard "Buddy" Leatherwood and Tommy Wyszatycki. These flags highlight the month of April for the Divisionites as they are visible everywhere in the Administration Building."


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