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J. Harold Lampe, former Dean of Engineering, receives an honorary degree and robe during commencement. Dorothy Doumar, Board of Visitors member, looks on as Lampe receives his robe from President Alfred Rollins.


Board of Visitors member, Dorothy Doumar, and ODU President, Alfred Rollins, walk toward the stage during the 1981 Spring Commencement.


President Rollins shakes hand with a student during 1981 Commencement.


An unidentified faculty emeritus with President Alfred B. Rollins, Jr., and Board of Visitors member Dorothy Doumar during commencement.


Board of Vistitors member Dorothy Doumar with Professor Wiliam E. Hopkins of the Sociology Department at commencement.


Board of Vistitors member, Dorthy Doumar, ODU faculty member, Harris B. Stewart, Jr., and an unidentified Board of Visitors member at commencement exercises.


Board of Visitors member Dorothy Doumar and retired ODU baseball coach Bud Metheny at commencement exercises.

circa 1980-1989

Dr. Joseph L. Yon and Dorothy Doumar unveil the Student Health Center Sign.


All but one of Old Dominion's former rectors were on hand for the Board of Visitors reunion dinner on September 21, 1994. Pictured from left to right: Richard F. Barry III, George Dragas, Jr., Arnold B. McKinnon, Hugo A. Owens Sr., James K. Hall, Dorothy M. Doumar, Frank Batten, Robert M. Stanton, Francis N. Crenshaw, Arthur A. Diamonstein (current rector), and M. Lee Payne. Edgar S. Everhart was unable to attend. The group was officially chartered as the Rectors Council, which will meet on a regular basis with the university president and act as an advisory body.


Board of Vistor member, Dorothy Doumar speaks at Convocation.

circa 1980-1989

Virginia Webb, Lewis W. Webb, Jr., President Emeritus, Dorothy Doumar, ODU Board of Vistors, and Alfred B. Rollins, Jr., ODU President, at Convocation.

circa 1980-1989

Lewis W. Webb, Jr., President Emeritus, and Dorothy Doumar, Board of Visitors, at Convocation.

circa 1980-1989

President Alfred B. Rollins, Jr. cuts the ribbon with Board of Visitors member Dorothy Doumar in dedicating Old Dominion University's newest dorm: Mid-Rise.


Board of Visitors member Betty Doumar with a proclamation given to the university.

circa 1980-1989

Board of Visitors member Betty Doumar receiving a proclamation given to the university.

circa 1980-1989

Board of Visitors member Betty Doumar receiving a proclamation given to the university.

circa 1980-1989

Former Dean of Engineering J. Harold Lampe receiving his honorary degree and robe during Commencement. Board of Visitors member, Dorothy Doumar and alumnus Albert B. Gornto, Jr. watch as Lampe receives his robe from President Rollins.

circa 1980-1989

Board of Visitors member, Dorothy Doumar handing out an award to a faculty member.

circa 1980-1989

Board of Visitors member, Dorothy Doumar with former Dean of Engineering J. Harold Lampe during Commencement.

circa 1980-1989

Board of Visitors member, Dorothy Doumar speaking at Commencement alongside Frank Batten and President Alfred B. Rollins, Jr.

circa 1980-1989

Board of Visitors member, Dorothy Doumar with former Virginia Governor Colgate W. Darden, Jr.

circa 1980-1989

Pictured from left to right: President Alfred B. Rollins, Jr., Dorothy Doumar, and J. Henry McCoy, Jr.

circa 1980-1989

Board of Visitors member, Dorothy Doumar speaking with retired faculty. Former languages professor W. Gerald Akers is in the center.

circa 1980-1989

Board of Visitors member, Dorothy Doumar with a retired faculty member. Former languages professor W. Gerald Akers is in the back.

circa 1980-1989

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