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Footage of a transatlantic news special produced in Great Britain, wishing Jamestown, Virginia a happy 350th anniversary. Featured in the footage is a conversation between Roger Makins, British Ambassador to the United States and H. Rooney Pelletier of the British Broadcasting Corporation, regarding colonization and the British Empire. No sound until 0:35. 0:07:54


Tidewater Viewpoint segment on the rebuilding of the fort at Jamestown for the 350th Anniversary celebration that is to take place next year. 0:08:35


Tidewater Viewpoint segment on creating replica ships for the Jamestown celebration, focusing on the Susan Constant. 0:07:33


Tidewater Viewpoint segment on creating replica ships for the Jamestown celebration, focusing on the Susan Constant. 0:06:34


Tidewater Viewpoint segment on the construction of the replicas of three ships that came to Jamestown (Susan Constant, Godspeed, and the Discovery) for the 350th Anniversary of Jamestown. 0:08:37


Tidewater Viewpoint segment filmed at Norfolk City Park which includes an interview with Fred Heutte in regard to the Jamestown Highway Beautification project. Oral Histories in Perry Library 0:08:45


Tidewater Viewpoint segment on creating replica ships for the Jamestown celebration. 0:07:05


Children Come First segment on Pineridge Elementary School's field trip to Williamsburg, Jamestown, and Yorktown, Virginia. Portion of the Tidewater Viewpoint segment (school Portion of segment (school field trip) is filmed without sound from 3:32-21:40. Sound resumes at 21:41. 0:29:13


Tidewater Viewpoint segment on the upcoming 350th Anniversary of Jamestown and rehearsals for the historical drama "The Founders." 0:08:05


Segment on the recreated ships that sailed to Jamestown (Discovery, Godspeed, Susan Constant). No sound from 2:41-4:05. 0:04:05


Tidewater Viewpoint segment regarding the upcoming 350th Anniversary of Jamestown's Founding and the preparations being made for it. 0:27:46


Tidewater Viewpoint interview with Lady Carey Coke of Norfolk County, England, who is the fourth Azalea Queen. Members of the Queen's court are also featured. 0:06:35


Footage of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip's visit to Williamsburg and Jamestown, Virginia. Their visit was part of the festivities for the 350th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown, Virginia, and was the first stop in a tour of the United States. Sound goes in and out intermittently throughout the footage. 0:15:42


Color footage of historic Jamestown, featuring the James River, the Jamestown Tercentennial Monument, statues of Pocahontas and John Smith, ruins of the Ambler Mansion, settlement ruins, and a private residence (the residence today is the headquarters of the Jamestown Rediscovery archeological project). Footage has no sound. B-roll/outtake footage. Footage goes blank from 7:54-7:58. 0:09:26


Tidewater Viewpoint segment on Jamestown 350th Anniversary preparations. 0:08:09


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