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Dr. Kenneth A. Wagner attended the 18th Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists at Athens, Georgia, April 18-20, 1957. At this time Dr. Wagner's research paper entitled "A Comparison of the Sapelo Island Marshes with those of Northern Georgia" was offered. Dr. Wagner is head of the Biology Department of the College of William and Mary in Norfolk.


Miss Virginia Speer of the Biology Department, College of William and Mary in Norfolk.


Miss Regina O'Brien giving biology lecture.


Two students on a field trip with Miss Virginia Speer's Biology class find an object of interest during their trip to Hatteras. On the left is Mrs. Monteith and on the right is Mrs. Oglesby.


During the orientation program for freshmen the students (incoming) were conducted through the different departments of the college. Here a group is introduced to a part of the Biology Department equipment by Dr. Kenneth Wagner, head of the Biology department. The students from left to right - Emily Dickerson, Frances Davis, Carter Sullivan, Edward Davis, and L.J. De Ryder.


Dr. Forman McLean watches as Mrs. Mary Bordeaur, Mrs. Vivian Culpepper and Mrs. Rosalie Hall spray roses with a 30% cepten and 3% capryl solution 2T to the gallon.


The Certified Public Accountant Award of Achievement is awarded by the Virginia Society of Certified Public Accountants, undated photo.

circa 1950-1959

The first recipient of a Certificate in Public Administration, which is a course given by the College of William and Mary in Norfolk for the Naval Supply Center, received his award on June 10, 1958. The award was made in Rear Admiral Joseph Lee Herlihy's office at the Supply Center. From left to right: Rear Admiral J.L. Herlihy, SC, USN, Commanding Officer of the Naval Supply Center; Dr. Everett Hong, Head of the Department of Business Administration of the College of W&M, Norfolk; Mr. James Kilpatrick of the Norfolk Naval Shipyard and recipient of the Certificate with honors; Mr. L.W. Webb, Jr., Provost of the College of W&M, Norfolk; and Mr. Ernest A. Morgan, Director of Training at the Supply Center.


Professor Maximillian Jones of the Business Administration Department and student Neil Alloway in Personnel Management Class.


Allan Kjeldsen ("impersonating") a business major listens as Dr. Tabb, department head conducts a student counseling interview.


Dr. E. N. Hong, head of the Department of Business Administration at the College of William and Mary in Norfolk. The Business Administration was the first of the four-year degree programs offered at the college and is the fastest growing.


On April 28, 1959 a meeting of Business Education Teachers in the Tidewater area was sponsored by the Division of Economics and Business Administration at the College of William and Mary in Norfolk. From left to right: Dr. Z. S. Dickerson, Professor of Business Education, Madison College; Miss Marguerite Crumley, Assistant State Supervisor, Business Education Services; Mr. Arthur L. Walker, State Supervisor, Business Education Services.


Dr. Z. S. Dickerson, Professor of Business Education of Madison College, speaks to the seminar for Business Teachers of local high schools held April 28 at the College of William and Mary in Norfolk. The Business Administration Division of the College sponsored the seminar and hopes to continue it each year.


Dr. E.N. Hong, head of the Department of Business Administration, accepts a check for two scholarships for that department from Mr. L. Brooks Woody, President of the Norfolk-Portsmouth Traffic Club. The scholarships are in the amount of $250.00 each.


Mrs. Stephen Shao and Dr. Stephen Shao, new faculty member in the Business Administration Department, are greeted by Mrs. Edward Hodges at the reception honoring new faculty on Sunday night, September 23 in the college library.


Mr. Alan V. Palmer (on left), instructor of the Business Administration 201 - Principles of Accounting - class, teaches accounting to three of his students: (left to right) Mr. James N. Kilpatrick, Navy Supply Center; Mr. Charles E. Stewart, C.P.O., U.S. Navy; Mr. Jay Mizroch, owner of the Lad 'N Lassie Shop.


Mrs. John Tabb, Mrs. Edward Kittrell and Mrs. Everette Hong (seated) receive the guests of the Business Administration Club at a dinner given by the club in the college cafeteria. The are wives of the Business Administration department faculty.


An Distributive Education class taking place at a clothing store.


An Distributive Education class taking place at a tire store.


Distributive Education Class. (left to right) Mr. William Lewis, Professor Dorothy Jones, Pat Wilkins

circa 1950-1959

Merchants Morning" was held by the Distributive Education Department of the College for local merchants. Breakfast was served in the college cafeteria on March 5, 1957.


Dr. John Tabb's Money and Banking Class visited by the National Bank of Commerce in Norfolk on one of their field trips. Shown here inspecting some of the methods of banking are, from left to right: Don Wenger, George Jones, Archie Bruns, Grover Wade, Donald Whitford, Emily Dickerson, Walter Atwood, Harlan Timm, Wilbur Campbell and Arlene Evans.


The Money and Banking class of the Business Administration Department of the College of W&M in Norfolk visits the Richmond Federal Reserve Bank where procedures of banking are explained to the students. Observing (from left to right) are Joan Manor, Dr. John Tabb, teacher of the class, Harold Amdursky, Mrs. William Bridger and Mr. William Bridger.


Miss Dorothy Jones (on left), head of the Distributive Education department entertains the Tidewater coordinators and Miss Louise Bernard, D.E. Supervisor for the State, shown here in the middle: next to Miss Bernard is Mr. E. Vernon Peele, Assistant Director of the College. The tea was held in the Trophy Room of the college.


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